When My Brain is Stuck

When My Brain is Stuck

Answer to that last question

So I ended my last blog post with the question, “So what if my brain KEEPS focusing on the things I do not have control over? Then what do I do?” I think this is a very important question that needs to be addressed.

Why is it so important?

Many people maintain their anxiety or OCD because of their response to thoughts or images.

Example time

Here are some examples you can probably relate to:

You are feeling anxious. You notice you are worrying about something that you know is irrational. You tell yourself, “Stop thinking about that!” This does not work. You end up more anxious because what you think should be working, isn’t.

Second example…

You have an intrusive image of violently harming your best friend. You say to yourself, “Stop thinking that! I do not want to think about that!” You notice the image comes on stronger and you become more anxious.

Notice any similarities in these examples? In both scenarios, this individual is responding to unwanted thoughts by TRYING to control them. I am sure you can guess that I gave these examples to show you that this response does not work.

Leave them be

Have you ever tried to just let those thoughts or images be? I mean, just letting them happen without giving any meaning to them. When we try to control our thoughts by suppressing them, they get louder and we feel worse. In the anxiety and OCD world, we talk a lot about “a thought is just a thought. Just because your brain produces it, does not mean that it is true. It does not mean that you agree with it. It does not mean you like it.

The bottom line is that brains produce junk.

I challenge you to practice this the next time a thought pops up about something you do not have control over. The ones you say to yourself, “I have no control over this. There is nothing I can do about it.” For those with OCD, I challenge you to practice this when an intrusive thought or image pops up.

Let it be. Do not suppress it. Try saying something like, “Okay anxious thought/intrusive image, you can just hang out there. I have other things to do.” Then you go back to whatever it is you are doing. This takes practice and time. If you don’t get it the first time, that is okay! It would actually be weird if you did haha.

Please comment below how this change in your reaction has made you feel. You got this!